This 3 day course is a comprehensive three-day program designed to teach Python programming. It covers a range of topics including Python basics, data types, collections, functions, object-oriented programming, modules, exception handling, file management, and database access. The course is structured into seven modules, each focusing on a specific aspect of Python with multiple hands-on labs in each module.
This course is well-suited for those looking to enhance their programming skills and understanding of Python for application development and data management tasks.
There are no prerequisites required for this course.
Six Core Concepts
- Efficiently develop Python applications by utilizing built-in functions and data structures.
- Apply object-oriented principles to structure your code, incorporating modules and classes.
- Demonstrate proficiency in working with functions and collections through practical exercises.
- Utilize external libraries to extend functionalities and manage various data formats effectively.
- Acquire hands-on experience in file and data handling within the Python environment.
- Develop comfort and competence in dealing with Exceptions through practical exception handling exercises.
Module 1: Python Introduction
- Background, Uses, and Characteristics
- Syntax and Writing Basic Code
- Data Types and Variables
- Operators
Module 2: Control Structures
- Conditional Statements
- if
- else
- elif
- Loops
- for
- while
- Loop Control Statements
- break
- continue
- pass
- Nested Control Structures
- Conditional Statements
Module 3: Collections
- Lists
- Tuples
- Dictionaries
- Sets
- Membership Testing
- Iterate Collections
- List Comprehensions
Module 4: Functions
- Create Functions Using def Keyword
- Arguments
- Positional
- Keyword
- Default
- Variable-Length
- Return Statements
- Scope
- Anonymous/Lambda Functions
- Higher Order Functions
Module 5: Object-Oriented Programming with Python
- Classes
- Objects
- Inheritance
- Encapsulation
- Polymorphism
- Creating Classes and Instantiating Objects
- Instance Methods
- Class Variables and Instance Variables
- Inheritance and Subclassing
Module 6: Python Modules
- Concept and Purpose of Modules in Python
- Creating and Using Modules
- import Statement
- Built-In Modules
- Creating Custom Modules
Module 7: Exceptions
- Exceptions vs. Syntax Errors
- Exception Handling
- try Block
- except Block
- else Clause
- finally Block
- Multiple Exception Handling
- Raising Exceptions
- Custom Exception Classes