



Seven Core Concepts
    • Advanced Object Oriented Programming
    • Python features like generators and context managers
    • Unit testing and debugging techniques
    • Design pattern implementation
    • REST API interaction
    • Performance optimization strategies
    • Concurrent programming in Python


Module 1: Object Oriented Programming in Python
    • Basic Principles of Object Oriented Programming
      • Encapsulation
      • Inheritance
      • Polymorphism
      • Abstraction
    • Classes and Objects
      • Define a Class
      • Create Instances of a Class
      • Instance Methods, Class Methods, and Static Methods
    • Properties
      • Add Properties to a Class Using @property Decorator
      • Use Getter, Setter, and Deleter with @property Decorator
    • Inheritance and Subclasses
      • Define a Class that Inherits from Another Class
      • super() Function
      • Method Overriding
    • Abstract Base Classes(ABCs)
      • abc Module and Concept of Creating Abstract Classes
      • Abstract Methods with @abstractmethod Decorator
      • Purpose of Abstract Classes
Module 2: Python’s Features
    • Best Practices
      • Pythonic Conventions
    • Monkey Patching
      • Dynamically Modify or Extend a Module, Class, or Method at Runtime
      • Useful Scenarios
    • Generators
      • Create Generators
      • The yield Keyword
      • Iterating over Generators
      • Advantages and Common Use Cases
    • Exceptions
      • Handling Exceptions
      • Create and Raise User-Defined Exceptions
    • The with Statement
      • Context Managers
      • Syntax of the with Statement
      • Exception Handling Simplification
Module 3: Python Unit Testing
    • Python’s unittest Framework
      • unittest Structure and Writing Test Cases with unittest
      • Test Classes that inherit from unittest.TestCase
      • setUp and tearDown Methods
      • Assertions
    • Mocking and Patching
      • unittest.mock
      • mock Objects
Module 4: Debugging and Logging
    • IDE Debugging Tools
      • PyCharm and Pylint
      • Breakpoints, Watch Windows, and Stepping through Code
    • Logging
      • Python’s Logging Module
      • Configure Log Levels
      • Write Log Messages
Module 5: Design Patterns
    • Structural Patterns
      • Decorator Pattern
      • Proxy Pattern
    • Behavioral Patterns
      • Template Method Pattern
      • Observer Pattern
Module 6: RESTful Web Services and Clients
    • Data Formats
      • JSON
      • XML
Module 7: Python Optimization
    • timeit Module
    • cProfile
    • pstats Module
    • Appropriate Use of Data Structures
    • List Comprehensions
    • PyPy Python Interpreter
Module 8: Managing Python Packages and Environments
    • pip Python Package Manager
    • Python Versions and Porting
    • Packaging and Distribution Package
    • Isolated Python Environments
      • virtualenv
    • Using a Local Repository
Module 9: Concurrency in Python
    • Threads and Locks
    • Subprocesses
    • Processes and Queues
    • Parallelism

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